What You Need to Know About Overhead Doors

overhead door of pittsburgh

Those looking to purchase an overhead door of Pittsburgh have several options, often more than they realize. Whether you decide to purchase an overhead coiling door or an overhead sectional door, there are a few differences that you’ll want to consider between the two. Not only do you need to decide on what type of door will best fit your needs, but you’ll also need to take into consideration durability, maintenance, security, installation, and overall lifetime costs.

Roll-Up Vs. Sectional Doors

An overhead roll-up garage door is sometimes referred to as a rolling steel door or a coiling door. This type of door is fabricated using individual metal slat sections that are interlocked. When the door opens, the door coils up on itself above the door, wrapping around a drum. This allows the door to be stored in a compact area, minimizing the need for excesses space to store the door. This specific type of door is installed by mounting the guides and assembly to the wall on either side of the door.

Sectional doors are similar to roll-up doors, but they utilize larger metal sections, and can open in a variety of different configurations. These configurations include retracting up, or up and over, the floor of the garage, beyond the opening of the overhead door. If there is not enough clearance for the door to open straight up, the door tracks will curve, allowing for the door to retract horizontally over the garage space. This can result in issues if there are fire sprinklers in the ceiling of the garage, HVAC, or lighting that is already installed or will be installed.

Durability and Maintenance

The quality of the material that is used to construct the door will have a significant impact on the overall durability and lifespan of the door. Heavy-duty materials that are typically used in overhead coiling doors are designed to last for a prolonged period of time and can withstand heavy usage. On the other hand, sectional garage doors are better equipped for low volume usage.

Coiling doors eliminate the need for springs, which means they require little maintenance. In fact, some models of coiling doors are built to withstand upwards of one-million open and closed cycles without any maintenance required, compared to sectional doors that rely on numerous parts to operate smoothly. When more parts are used, there is an increased need for maintenance and repairs. Because there are more parts that require replacement more often, this increases the overall maintenance costs over the lifespan of the door.

Safety and Security

Regardless of the type of garage door, each comes with its own safety and security features. Due to its design and features, the coiling door has an advantage over sectional doors. This advantage comes from the small, multiple interlocking sections, their enclosed parts, springs and counterbalance shaft. Sectional doors rely on exposed springs and cables which leave them more susceptible to damage. Any failure that occurs with the springs or cables results in the door instantly becoming unbalanced. If cables were to break, the door would free fall to the ground, causing damage or harm to anything beneath it.

If you’re looking for installation specialists to install your overhead door of Pittsburgh, Thomas V. Giel Garage Doors is an authorized commercial and residential garage door dealer. With a wide selection of both roll-up and sectional over head doors available, you can get the door that will best fit your needs at Thomas V. Giel Garage Doors.